The world had be created by the GOD, the Dark and Light are surrounds the world. This world have morning and night, morning is for the Light and night is for the Dark. In the morning of this world will be Light world and night the world will become Dark world. Light can't survive in the Dark world because they will lost in the Dark. Dark can't survive in the Light world because Light world is too bright, they can't see any thing. Start from that time, the world was be separated into two. Devil and Fiend are live in the Dark world, Angle and Fairy are live in the Light world, they starting don't like each other, always have wars between the two world. The GOD had created Dark, but GOD support Light and become the GOD of Light world. In the middle ages,Dark and Light surrounds the final war between the forces of the demonic Darkness and the righteous Light. Which side will you choose? (you can give your answers and reasons in the comment box)

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